Fitness Journal

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Triceps and Biceps

Got up at 0400 so I could get a workout in before I had to work...yay...had a decent workout...blew it at dinner, where I had wonderful deep-dish pizza and a deep-dish cookie dessert thing...we were celebrating, though...haha...

Triceps and Biceps (Dumbbells)
* Superset #1:
- Overhead dumbbell extension: 1x12 (30lbs), 2x10 (35lbs)
- Hammer curls: 1x12 (15lbs), 2x10 (20lbs)

* Superset #2:
- Lying crossface extension: 1x12 (12lbs), 2x10 (15lbs)
- Incline alternating curl: 1x12 (15lbs), 2x10 (20lbs)

* Superset #3:
- Triceps kickback: 1x12 (12lbs) 2x10 (15lbs)
- Concentration curls: 1x12 (12lbs), 2x10 (15lbs)

* 30 minutes on crosstrainer, pre-workout
* 30 minutes on elliptical, post-workout

Heart-rate Monitor Readings
* Duration: 1hr 30min
* Calories burned: 907 (50% fat)
* Max. HR: 157 (81% MHR)
* Avg. HR: 135 (69% MHR)


  • At 17 August, 2006 13:04, Blogger Strong_R_King said…

    You still lifting?

    I was just wondering I leave for Korea in a about a month...


  • At 09 September, 2006 19:42, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's quite the hardcore little routine you got going on. My routine involved me getting out of bed at 6:15 and driving through the snowbanks (nearly killing everyone in my indirect line of sight) to the gym where...might I add..not stretching whatsoever, jumping on the eliptical and working way too hard getting my heart rate up to 190 or so and going for about 30-35 minutes until I feel as though I'm going to pass out and quickly stop without doing a cool down. Well, I guess that's the way it was for the first few weeks but someone told me that I should take it easier and warm up and cool down. I just don't have time for that. Anyway, after that, I'd go to the chest press and really overdue it and feel a huge burning sensation in my chest and triceps the next morning. Of course now I don't really do anything. I drive to work and never exercise. Good times. I could bench 200 lbs at one point..I think that's good.

    God you must know who this is by now.

  • At 04 December, 2006 11:55, Blogger SuGaRBuTT said…

    Is it bad that I have no clue who this is?? The only person I could think of was Randy, but that would mean he got a job...haha...


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